TEAP (Toolbox for Emotion Analysis using Physiological Signals) doc
utils Directory Reference


directory  ecgBag


file  correctBPM.m [code]
file  featuresSelector.m [code]
 This function select a subset of features from 'featuresNames' based on 'include' / 'exclude' satements. Features are always returned in the same order than 'features name'.
file  iirpeak.m [code]
file  interpIBI.m [code]
 This function interpolate an HR/IBI signal (from a list of peaks) with the method proposed in: Berger et al., "An Efficient Algorithm for Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability", IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 9, sept. 1986.
file  notchpeakargchk.m [code]
 NOTCHPEAKARGCHK Validates the inputs for the IIRNOTCH and IIRPEAK functions.
file  PICtoBPM.m [code]
 Computes BPM and IBI from a list of pics Author: Guillaume Chanel.
file  PLETtoBPM.m [code]
 calcul le heart rate bpm a partir du fichier des donn�es data le signal a une frequence d'echantillonage fe. Search for the upper peak, if systolic upstroke is desired, simply negate the signal